Feeding the Truth: The Dirty Secret Behind Artificial Sweeteners
When I was in my early 20s, I thought I was doing everything right. I was chasing my goals, working out hard, and consuming what I believed were “healthier” options—diet sodas, energy drinks, protein powders, pre-workouts. What I didn’t realize back then was that I was flooding my system with artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose on a daily basis.
It started catching up to me. I was waking up feeling hungover for no reason. My vision would go blurry at times. I felt off. And that’s when I started digging deeper and connecting the dots—realizing just how much toxic garbage I was putting in my body from products that were marketed as “healthy.” Energy drinks like Monster, Bang, Red Bull… most of the big names use the same harmful sweeteners and food dyes. Most mainstream supplements? Same thing. Cheap ingredients, flashy labels, and big profits.
The Shady Norm in the Supplement Industry
Let’s be real: the majority of supplement companies out there—easily over 90%—still use artificial sweeteners like sucralose or aspartame, and they don’t even try to hide it. Why? Because they’re cheap, and most people don’t know any better. Add in artificial colors like Red 40 or Yellow 5, and you’ve got a toxic cocktail being marketed as a health solution.
Even some of the “good” supplement brands that offer quality formulas taint their products with these sweeteners and dyes. So while you might be getting a good protein blend or fat burner, you’re also putting garbage into your system every single day.
Why This Matters More Than Ever
Just recently, we’ve seen the beginning of a long-overdue shift. One of the Red dyes was officially banned. That’s a start—but I firmly believe that artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose will eventually follow. If we’re serious about turning around the health of this country, we have to start removing this stuff from our daily lives.
Look at what’s happening globally. Major food and beverage companies use better ingredients in other countries—but here in the U.S., we get the low-grade versions. The more harmful versions. And when you connect the dots between big pharma, the FDA, and the food industry, it’s easy to see why.
A healthy person isn’t a profitable customer. It’s easier to keep people on pills and prescriptions than it is to promote true healing and prevention.
Aspartame & Sucralose: What You’re Really Putting in Your Body
Here are just some of the side effects and health concerns tied to these artificial sweeteners:
• Aspartame: Linked to headaches, mood disorders, dizziness, memory loss, and even increased risk of cancer in some studies. It can negatively impact brain chemistry and has been connected to neurological symptoms in sensitive individuals.
• Sucralose: May disrupt gut health by killing beneficial bacteria, which can lead to digestive issues, immune problems, and weight gain. It’s also been shown to interfere with insulin sensitivity, which is a big red flag for anyone looking to stay lean and healthy.
Most people consuming these ingredients daily have no idea how much damage they may be doing. They might think they’re eating clean or living a healthy lifestyle, but their energy crashes, mood swings, brain fog, and gut issues tell a different story—and the culprit could be hiding right there on the label.
Why We Chose Stevia & Monk Fruit at Feed Me More Nutrition
At Feed Me More Nutrition, we do things differently. We only use natural sweeteners—stevia and monk fruit—because they don’t come with the dangerous side effects. They’re plant-based, calorie-free, and don’t mess with your insulin or gut. They taste great without wrecking your system.
We use more real ingredients in our formulas, more transparency, and never cut corners with cheap fillers, dyes, or artificial junk. You deserve supplements that work and support your long-term health.
Choosing Health in a Broken System
This isn’t about perfection. I get it—sometimes you’re in a pinch and grab that energy drink or whatever’s available. But what I’m talking about is awareness. Most people are unknowingly consuming these sweeteners and dyes every single day—thinking they’re doing something good for themselves—when in reality, they’re making their health worse.
We live in a time where we have to fight for our health. No one’s going to do it for us. The systems are built to keep people sick, medicated, and tired. That’s why I do what I do. That’s why I created Feed Me More Nutrition. To offer real solutions with real ingredients that support real results.
I’ve lost my health before—and I’ve fought like hell to get it back. There’s nothing more important than feeling good, strong, and energized every day. And I believe we can live long, productive, happy lives—but only if we choose to put the right things in our bodies.
Make the switch. Educate yourself. And always read the label.
Stay hungry,
Ryback Reeves